Model Portfolios Explained

Specialist Investment Services for our Clients has been partnering with Fundhouse since 2018 and their fund research has been central in our fund selection for client portfolios. We are now taking our relationship to the next level where we are working together to build bespoke model portfolios for’s clients. The reason for this is that the world of investment management has developed into a complex industry with a very broad range of products, fund managers and investment options for clients. This makes implementing financial advice particularly onerous for advisers. The requirement to stay abreast of these fund management options takes time away from an advisers main role: to provide good, independent financial planning advice to clients. Fundhouse is an established industry expert in the field of fund research and investments and offers a customised service which allows us to implement our advice in the most efficient way possible. This benefits our clients directly and provides an additional level of comfort with respect to the quality and suitability of our investment options.
Together with Fundhouse we have developed a customised range of ‘Model Portfolios’ which represent the best investment view and the most appropriate way to implement our financial planning advice. These portfolios target a range of client outcomes and are reviewed and managed on an ongoing basis by Fundhouse. The portfolios consist of a range of leading funds which collectively deliver your investment solution. This is based on Fundhouse’s extensive and independent research process and portfolio construction expertise.
Our relationship and services to our clients remains exactly the same. Once we have established your investment requirements we decide, with our clients, which of the Model Portfolios to utilise as part of the financial plan. From then on the portfolios are managed on a continuous basis and we can focus on servicing our clients and their needs. The overall Fundhouse service offering is actively monitored by ourselves to ensure that our clients receive leading service levels they expect.
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