Monthly Archives: August 2019

Did someone say ‘Upswing’?


Did someone say 'Upswing'? This is a good time to invest. Billions are flowing into 'cash' or equivalents, a clear sign of fear. Buffet is famous for investing when fear has driven investors away. He has done very well sticking to his game plan. Remaining invested is the same as investing. Don't [...]

Did someone say ‘Upswing’?2019-08-29T13:11:51+00:00

Mind the Gap: How Naspers is Trying to Close its Valuation Discount


Mind the Gap: How Naspers is Trying to Close its Valuation Discount Few people could have imagined that the largest company in South Africa, a country largely built on the extraction and processing of raw materials, would be a global internet and high-technology business making most of its money in China. Naspers [...]

Mind the Gap: How Naspers is Trying to Close its Valuation Discount2019-08-21T05:42:29+00:00

Fundhouse Investment Outlook Q2 2019


Fundhouse Investment Outlook Q2 2019 With the S&P 500 having breached 3000 index points for the first time recently, there is much fanfare and many headlines in the press trumping up this milestone. Intuitively it feels right, for much of the headline grabbing news relates either to the FAANGS or to the [...]

Fundhouse Investment Outlook Q2 20192019-08-12T13:39:23+00:00
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