Monthly Archives: March 2019

Artificial Intelligence… or Artificial Investing?


Artificial Intelligence... or Artificial Investing? The fund management world has become a more crowded place of late, with the addition of a new breed of fund manager. Driven by Artificial Intelligence (‘A.I.’), they boast legions of analysts in the millions if not billions, IQs which are off the charts and a 24hr-a-day [...]

Artificial Intelligence… or Artificial Investing?2019-03-28T07:03:39+00:00

Controlling the Controllables


Controlling the Controllables  Disappointing investment performance over the past few years has resulted in many investors making changes to their portfolios; unfortunately emotionally driven, which can lead to greater losses. History provides us with some useful perspective. We see that periods of weak performance are followed by periods of strong performance (points [...]

Controlling the Controllables2019-03-05T15:10:42+00:00

Budget Speech 2019


Budget Speech 2019 1. INDIVIDUALS The maximum marginal rate for natural persons remains at 45% and is reached when taxable income exceeds R1 500 000. The minimum rate of tax remains at 18% on taxable income not exceeding R195 850. The primary rebate for all natural persons has been increased to R14 220 (previously [...]

Budget Speech 20192019-03-05T15:07:15+00:00

Are Earnings in South Africa Improving?


Are earnings in South Africa Improving?  Based on the long term average of between 12 and 16, there are very few 'cheap' markets. Fair value would be a good description of world markets, so earnings need to improve for a swift recovery from last years' losses. Earnings, particularly in SA, have improved, [...]

Are Earnings in South Africa Improving?2019-03-05T14:59:57+00:00
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