Monthly Archives: August 2018

It’s not great but it could be a lot worse…


It's not great but it could be a lot worse... Had the ANC elective conference voted the other way at NASREC, South Africa would right now be mirroring what the Turks are going through – rocketing interest rates, mushrooming unemployment as companies hit the wall, soaring import prices and all round economic [...]

It’s not great but it could be a lot worse…2018-09-06T08:51:21+00:00

Why retirees are taking risks they don’t want


Why retirees are taking risks they don't want Visit the local bowling club and ask the average retiree what are the two things they worry about most.  Two answers will typically surface – How their kids are/aren't caring for their grandchildren, and the return on their living annuity. I think it best [...]

Why retirees are taking risks they don’t want2018-08-23T09:57:41+00:00
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