Monthly Archives: October 2021

Investment Outlook Q3 2021


Investment Outlook Q3 2021 Not much has changed over the past quarter. But a lot appears to have changed. What do we mean by this? Investing is made complex simply by the amount of information flowing around, and while it is often well intended, mostly it distracts, confuses and alarms investors, which [...]

Investment Outlook Q3 20212021-10-14T07:03:35+00:00

The Global Tax Cartel


The Global Tax Cartel “...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin's quote has become quite pertinent given the recent push by the large developed economies to set a global minimum tax level. For years, large multinational corporations have been employing tax avoidance [...]

The Global Tax Cartel2021-10-07T04:44:20+00:00
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